Ocean Blue Engineers, Inc.
    • Jahan Nazarian-Ph.D., R.E.A. Senior Environmental Engineer


      Mr. Nazarian is an environmental engineer with over twenty years of experience in environmental assessments, and pollution control for private and public sector clients. Mr. Nazarian has extensive experience in addressing CERCLA, RCRA and Federal Superfund sies and issues related to underground storage tanks and unauthorized release of hazardous materials. He has iniated projects fro  proposal stage, negotiations, contact agreements, agency interface, and subcontracting to preparing work plans, engineering designs, schedules, and conducting filed work, as well as writing techinal reports for agency reviews. The work includes Phase I and Phase II assessments, remedial investigations, feasibility studies, site characterization, remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with hazardous materials/wastes, abestos investigations, as well as domestic and industrial wastewater sampling, studies and treatment. Mr. Nazarian has managed innumberable projects, intercaed with agencies, negotaited with subcontractors, and coordinated efforts to assure timely completion of projects withing budget.

    • Phase I Evironmental Assessments: Conducts site visits and audits, researches agency files and prepares reports with recommendations to clients involved in property transactions and redevelopment. The sites assessed include large industrial and/or manufacturing facilites, commercial, as well as multi-unit residential properties.
    • Remedial Investgations: Site manager for a Superfund site, acively participating in the prparation of remedial investigation work plans, field operations plans, health and safety plans and lead oversight reviewer of such plans prepared by other colleagues and ither environmental firms. the sites have included a drum recycling facility contaminated wtih petroleum products and heavy metals, a landill contaminating groundwater with leachate,  a site contaminated with petroleum products and heavy metals, and low level radioactive wastes, and a site where groundwater contamination with chlorinated sikvents is present. Lead engneer in investingating  the locations of abandoned wells in a larg military complex. Provided internal and external oversight review of work plans and RI reports for large military installations and commented on techinical issues in different regions of the EPA.
    • Feasibility Studies: Lead engineer in conducting a comprehensive feasibility study for remeddiation of a site contaminated with heavy metals. The project included a review of the RI report and other relevant reports. Based on the RI report, a study of the remedial technologies was concluded with emergence of a preferred remedial alternative. Senior reviewer of several FS reports for various sites in different regions of the EPA. Reviewed remedial technologies for groundwater at an industrial facility contaminated with halogenated and non-halogenated petroleum products and prepared alternatives analyses for remedial action.
    • Groundwater Studies: Installed monitoring wells at various sites of concern. Prepared a long term aquifer pump test report for a drinking water aquifer in los Angeles County contaminated with TCE abd PCE. Reviewed subsurface investigation studies requested by the CRWQCB and conducted by PRPs in the locality of the aquifer above and prepared a quarterly summary compendium of the reports. Reviewed hydrogeological reports for the CERCLA sites and determined locations of additional monitoring wells to characterize the leading edge of th plumes.
    • Underground Storage Tanks: Has prepared numerous work plans for compliance and has supervised tank intergrity testing, tank removals, soil investigations, vadose wells and monitoring wells to characterize the leading edge if the plumes.
    • Site Assessment: Has installed borings and monitoring wells, performed soil and groundwater sampling, at more than 800 sites. prepared reports of investigations, evauluated analytical data, determined the size of the contamination plumes and made recommendations for site mitigation.
    • Siet Mitigation: Mr. Nazarian supervised remedial work at more than 160 sites and performe field monitoring and final phase of sampling after completion of clean-up-work. These projects have included cleanup of a few hundred cubic yards to 15,000 cubic yards.
    • Bio-Remediation: Involved in bio-remediation of soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons, writeen work plans and quarterly progress reports, interfaced with agencies, supervised field work, obtained closures and prepared by PROs for groundwater contaminated with refined  petroleum contamination, as well as wtih landill leachate and heavy metals.
    • Treatability Studies: Prepared an in-situ vitrifications treatability study work plan, sample plan and quality assurance plan for remediation of soils conatminated with PCBs and heavy metals. Reviewed and commented treatability studies prepared by PRPs for groundwater contaminated with refined peroleum contamination, as well as with landill leachate and heavy metals.
    • Hazardoues Wastes: Mr. Nazarian has been involved in hazardous waste characterization, hazardous waste manifest procedures and disposal. He has investigated wastes generated from industrial processes and designed a oilot treatment system for the minimization of wastewater generated from degreasing processes that invlove hot tanks and jet cleaners.
    • EIR/EIS: Participated in EIR/EIS for treatment plant efflucent lines disharging into the ocean and noise and traffic studies for road widening schems. Collceted field data, prepared, edited and reviewed reports.
    • Permitting: Experience includes RCRA Part A and Part B TSDF permits, tank removal permits, NPDES permits and reviwe of more than 300 industrial effluent discharge permits for compliance.
    • Field Experience: Participated in field work whcih includes drilling, excvavating, well instakkations, soil and water sampling as well as sound monitoing, backfilling of excavations, conpaction and regrading.
    • Wastewater Treatment: Mr. Nazarian served with Loughborough University of Technology in Englabd as a research assisatnt, studying biological treatment of high strength wastewater using pilot plantaerated lagoons. Part of the research included theoretical model evaluation and comparsion for reliability and though his efforts Mr. Nazarian developed a theoretical model based on input-output analyses containing parameters for design and comparsion purposes.
      Mr. Nazarian has studies treatment plant data, reviewed industrial watewater discarge data, identified influent and effluent trends and prepared a plan to characterize theinfluent and effluent to and froma municipal treatment plant. Conducted feasibility studies and deign of wastewater treatment systems for small communities and recommened alternatives. Reviewed influent and effluent data and physical configuration design for an aerated lagoon located in a winter resort and recomended plant modifications to upgrade the settling basin to improve effluent quality. Prepared a complete characterization plan for effluent produced from oil exploration. Performed oxygen utilization studies by bacterial culture, analyzied plant data and advised on plant improvemnets. Mr. Nazarian has been involved in the design of low-cost water supply and sanitation sysetms as well as surface and ground water assesment and pollution abatment in the Zayandeh River basin. Studied the disharges of a facility which combined domestic sewage and cooling tower blow-down and recommended a program for improving effluent quality and disposal. In addition, Mr. Nazarian has evaluated and prepared preliminary designs and engineering reports. These reports have typically included alternaive evaluations and cost comparison. Mr. nazarian has studied water consumption patterns and advised on conservation policies. He prepared a water consumption study for a proposed residiential development.
    • Emergency Response Planning: Has prepared emergency response plans for several industrial facilities. In addition, has prepared contigency plans for spill containment.
    • Osha Compliance: Has prepared numerous health and safety plans for coducting field work in a safe manner and supervised the implementation of the plans.
    • Education



                  Registered Environmental Assessor, California No. 1889


                  Engineer-In-Training-Certificate NO. XE071815
                  OSHA Certificate for Hazardous Waste Operations

                  Enhanced Vapor Extraction System (EVES). The EVES system increases the efficiency of the soil vapor extraction systems, reduces treatmnet time and costs. U.S. Patent No. 5553974